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In 1966, the Virginia Assembly enacted historic legislation establishing a statewide system of comprehensive community colleges. This legislation brought most post high school education below the bachelor’s level into one system, and broadened the base of higher education in the state to such an extent that Virginia, 这是二十世纪的第一次, 向高等教育民主化迈出了重要一步. As comprehensive institutions, the community colleges endeavor to serve all segments of society.
在弗吉尼亚西南部, 由当地商人组成的委员会, 公民, industrial and political leaders was appointed by the local governing bodies of Lee, 斯科特, 明智的, and Dickenson Counties and the City of Norton for the purpose of establishing a comprehensive community college. In April of 1970, the college Board had its first meeting at which Judge William C. 富盖特被选为主席. Funds for construction were allocated by the State Board for Community Colleges and construction began in early 1971.

  • 1971年8月. 乔治·B. Vaughan was named president of Mountain Empire community College and groundbreaking ceremonies were held in October of that same year. 1972年秋天开设了第一批课程.

  • 1978年1月. 维克多B. Ficker assumed his responsibilities as the second president of Mountain Empire.

  • 第三任总统,博士. Ruth Mercedes Smith, 1988年6月至1991年6月任职.

  • Dr. 罗伯特·H. Sandel served as the fourth president from January 1992 to July 2001.

  • Dr. Terrace Suarez served as the fifth president from January 2002 to June 2010.

  • Dr. 斯科特·汉密尔顿于2010年7月成为第六任总统.

  • Dr. 克里斯汀·韦斯特弗于2017年7月成为第七任总统.

任务 & 愿景

 Mountain Empire Community College’s mission is to provide our region with accessible, 优质高等教育, 劳动力培训, and community programs to ensure an educated population and globally competitive workforce.


Mountain Empire Community College’s mission is fulfilled through the following avenues:

  • 通识教育:公民参与, 批判性思维, 职业准备, 定量的素养, 科学素养, 及书面沟通.

  • Career -Technical Education: The career and technical education programs meet the increasing demand for technicians, 专业人士, 以及熟练的劳动力.

  • 转学教育:转学教育计划, which includes freshman and sophomore courses in arts and sciences and pre-professional education, allows students to transfer into baccalaureate degree programs at four-year colleges and universities.

  • Developmental Studies: Developmental courses are offered to correct deficiencies in basic areas, 比如英语, 阅读, 和数学, and to prepare students who have not had the required course prerequisites for admission to specific programs.

  • Dual Enrollment: Dual enrollment courses allow high-achieving students to meet the requirements for high school graduation while simultaneously earning college credit.

  • Distance Education: Distance education courses and programs offer accessibility through a number of delivery modes, 包括互联网, video, 以及校外地点.

  • 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站:学院提供课程, 服务, 以及促进大学入学的资源, 促进学生成功, 培养职业准备, 促进学生领导, 并为学生提供参与的机会.

  • Workforce Development: Workforce development encompasses credit and non-credit training to meet workforce needs and promote economic development through programs, 定制培训, 以及正在进行的研讨会.

  • Community Services: College facilities and personnel support the cultural and educational needs of the region through cultural events, 研讨会, 会议, 讲座, 会议, 研讨会, 社区项目, 服务学习.


Mountain Empire Community College’s vision is to be recognized by our community as the leader in preparing our region’s educated workforce.


Mountain Empire Community College will pursue its vision by acquiring the following traits:

  • Teaching will be characterized by the use of the best practices for knowledge and skills to be developed, 包括企业的参与, 使用实际操作的互动媒介, and opportunities for real-life applications of knowledge and skills.

  • Instructional delivery will employ non-traditional methods with emphasis on the use of technology. 教师将是学习的促进者, 导师, 以及榜样, 向学生展示知识的重要性, 能力, 以及对学习的渴望.

  • The college will be the major provider of 劳动力培训 and a leader in community development, 与企业合作, 教育机构, 非营利组织, and government to strengthen the competitiveness of the region for attracting and retaining jobs.

  • The college will be an exemplary model of service and involvement to our students and the community, 促进经济发展, 文化鉴赏, 以及农村的生活质量, 维吉尼亚州西南部.


Mountain Empire Community College is committed to these values:

  • 社区及文化保育

  • 创意与创新

  • 多元化、包容和公平

  • 诚实、正直、信任

  • 领导与服务

  • 学习

  • 学生的成功

  • 团队合作与沟通


Mountain Empire Community College is one of twenty three community colleges operating under the jurisdiction of the Virginia State Board for Community Colleges. The Virginia Community College System was founded in 1966 by the Virginia General Assembly under the leadership of Governor Mills E. 古德温小. 靠谱的买球网站成立于1970年, and classes began in 1972 with six hundred students and thirty-six faculty members.  山帝国社区靠谱的买球网站于李县,  斯科特, 明智的, 狄金森与诺顿城.

The College operates under a mission statement approved by the Virginia Community College System. The rules and regulations for the Virginia Community College System are stated in the VCCS Policy Manual.

A copy of this manual is available in the offices of the President, 学术和推荐几个靠谱的买球网站副主席, 财务和行政服务副总裁, 入院及记录, 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站, MECC Wampler图书馆, 艺术的学术分支 & 科学、应用科学 & 技术、业务 & Information Technology and Health Sciences, the offices of Community Relations and Human 资源. Additional information pertaining to the College may be found in the VCCS Policy Manual, MECC学院目录, MECC学生手册, 以及MECC采购手册.

Mountain Empire Community College has established principles and processes to earn the trust of its students, 成分, 以及它所服务的社区. These principles and processes have been historically maintained through accreditation, transparency and ethical and non-discriminatory standards that are guided by its mission, 理想及价值观.




  1. 戈德温大厅(商务办公室、学习中心、教室)
  2. 霍尔顿厅(推荐几个靠谱的买球网站处, 学生拓展和成功中心, 福克斯中央, 注册服务, 金融援助, 红狐烧烤店和MECC书店)
  3. 道尔顿-坎特雷尔大厅(总统办公室), 作为基础, 工业技术教室及办公室)
  4. Robb Hall (Wampler图书馆,健康科学教室)
  5. 菲利普斯-泰勒大厅(古德罗中心,商业) & 信息技术套件,学术 & 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站,劳动力解决方案,计算机 & 资讯科技处、社区关系处 & 健康科学办事处)
  6. Goodloe中心
  7. 靶场
  8. 网球场
  9. 环境的池塘
  10. 维护建筑

  • A, b, d, e, & F学生停车
  • C. 教员/员工停车
  • H. 残疾人停车
  • V. 客人停车